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Combined Operations Pilotage Parties

Memorial Fund 

COPP Heroes of Hayling Island


HRH Prince of Wales Patron.


Read the Nominal Roll of Coppists as at April 1944, provided by Peter Palmer, COPP 4 and 6


Many of these images and information have been kindly provided by 
This list is not complete. If your relative is missed, please let us know


Ainsworth Davis, John COPP HQ
Alcock Ian Ernest, T/Lieutenant COPP 3
Alexander E, EM5 COPP 7
Amer Donald Wolfenden, Lieutenant COPP 6
Ashford John, COPP 3 and 9
Booth James Charles Macaulay, Lieutenant COPP 9
Bowden John Henry, Able Seaman COPP 6
Brand David, Lieutenant COPP 1
Brown Duncan, Able Seaman COPP 10
Briggs Arthur, Petty Officer COPP 3 
Burbidge George Wheelock, Captain COPP 3 
Burke Terence Martin, Lieutenant COPP 4 
Cammidge Frederick, Sergeant COPP 3 (2) 
Carter J, Able Seaman COPP 10 
Casey COPP 10 
Clark Paul Wilson, Lieutenant Commander COPP 1 
Cockram R, Sapper COPP 3 
Colson Alexander Francis Lionel, Captain COPP 8
Cooke E, Sergeant COPP 1 
Cooper Noel Wilson, Lieutenant COPP 3 
Crafter     COPP 8 
Crane Jack William, Major COPP 1 
Crossley Alfred Harvey, Sub Lieutenant COPP 2
Cumberland Crawford, Sergeant COPP 8
Dargan     COPP 1 
Dawson Bryan, Lieutenant COPP 2 
de Kock Victor Peter de Chatillon, Lieutenant COPP 2
Duffy     COPP 8 
Eckhard Basil Newton, Captain,COPP (Training Officer)No 2SBS Attached 
Enzer Bruce, Lieutenant see HQ 
Fish E A Petty Officer COPP 1 
Francis John H J COPP 6
Fyson Richard Hugh   COPP 2 
Galwey Geoffrey Valentine Lieutenant COPP 1 
Gascoigne Robert Amos T/A/Petty Officer COPP 8 
Gates Ronald Henry Charles Captain COPP 9 
Gilbert Roger Captain COPP HQ 
Gimson P Sub Lieutenant RNVR COPP 7 
Goodyear N H EM5 COPP 5 
Gray   COPP 6 
Hall Geoffrey Penrose Dickinson Lieutenant COPP 7 
Harbud Robin Frederick Andrew T/Sub Lieutenant COPP 1 
Harding Eric William Leading Seaman COPP 10 
Hastings Nicholas Patrick Comyns Lieutenant Commander COPP 1 
Hatton Thomas Leading Seaman COPP 9 
Hawkin   Sapper, RE COPP 1 
Hood Alan Martin Sub Lieutenant COPP 3 
Hughes Alexander Ian Lieutenant COPP 3 

Hunt Leslie David Daniel. Leading Seaman COPP 6
Hunter D C Captain COPP 6 
Jennings N H Lieutenant RNVR COPP 7 
Johns William Edward Field Captain COPP 3 (2) 
Kedge RNW Lance Corporal, RE COPP 1 
Kennedy Lawrence T/A/Petty Officer COPP 7 
Kennedy Owen   COPP 7 
Kent Douglas Thomas T/Lieutenant COPP 5 
Lamb John C Captain COPP 10 
Lamont G H Sergeant COPP 10 
Lucas Alfred William Tindall Captain COPP 7 
Lyne Lionel Geoffrey Lieutenant COPP 9 
Mackay Denis Handcock Lieutenant COPP 4 
Mackenzie I C C Major RE COPP 6 
Mangnall Rollo B Lieutenant COPP 4 
Main Carruth Petty Officer COPP 4 
Mangnall Rollo B Lieutenant COPP 4 
Manning Victor Frederick Peter Leading Seaman COPP 6 
Matterson Peter D. Captain COPP 5 
Maynard J H Sub Lieutenant RNVR COPP 10 
McGuire James Able Seaman COPP 2 
McHarg Neville Townley Lieutenant COPP 4 
McLean John David Ruari McDowell Hardie Lieutenant COPP 7 
Moorhouse Leslie Hugh Lieutenant Commander COPP 1 
Morison John Lieutenant COPP 9 
Morrison A.A. Lance Corporal COPP 7 
Neil James G. A/Leading Seaman COPP 8 
Nichol J B Leading Seaman COPP 7 
Nicholls A B Ordinary Seaman COPP 5 
Ogden-Smith Bruce Walter Sergeant COPP 1 
Owen David   COPP 7 
Palmer P F Electrical Mechanic COPP and 6 
Parker Leslie Norman Electrical Mechanic Fourth Class COPP 10 
Peacock John Michael T/A/Lieutenant COPP 8 
Pearson Michael  Sub Lieutenant RNVR COPP 1 
Phillips Frederick William Leading Seaman COPP 6 
Plummer J Sapper RE COPP 6 
Pond Stanley Victor Electrical Mechanic Fourth Class COPP 8 
Ponsonby Frederick William Lieutenant COPP 8 
Preedy Richard F. Captain COPP 9 
Prior A  Able Seaman COPP 1 
Reilly Thomas A/Petty Officer COPP 4 
Richards Geoffrey Lieutenant Commander COPP 8 
Richards Geoffrey T/A/Lieutenant COPP 8 
Richey   Corporal, SBS COPP 1 
Rourke     COPP 8 
Ruberry Arthur Symons T/S/Seaman + T/Leading Seaman COPP 3 
Sayce Anthony Guy Sub Lieutenant COPP 6 
Scott-Bowden Logan Major COPP 1 
Simpson M T T Lieutenant, RNVR COPP 5 
Sinclair George Sutherland Lieutenant COPP 4 
Smith J R Sapper RE COPP 5 
Smith Philip Robert Gilmer Lieutenant COPP 1 
Sowter Alan Tregarthen Able Seaman COPP 3 
Spence     COPP 8 
Stanbury Ralph Neville Lieutenant COPP 5 
Stanley Alfred E T/Lieutenant COPP 10 
Starn H  COPP HQ   
Stewart John Michael Leading Seaman COPP 1 
Sykes P S Midshipman RNVR COPP 5 
Talbot George Richard Lieutenant COPP 10 
Teacher Norman Joseph Macdonald Lieutenant Commander COPP 3 
Tebb W (Bill) Able Seaman Depot 
Teacher Norman Joseph Macdonald Lieutenant Commander COPP 3 
Thomas A COPP 3
Thomas Alfred James T/A/Leading Seaman + T/Sub Lieutenant COPP 5 
Townson John Stover Lieutenant COPP 10 
Turner Thomas Harry Able Seaman + T/A/Leading Seaman COPP 3 
Watson J G Midshipman RNVR COPP 6 
White A Leading EM COPP 3 
White David Sub Lieutenant, RNVR COPP 1 
Wild Peter Grenville Lieutenant COPP 6 + COPP 1 
Williamson Ronald A Corporal COPP 5 
Willmott Herbert Nigel Clogstoun Lieutenant Commander COPP 1 
Wilkins F I Leading Stores Assistant COPP 1 
Witham Noel ("Shorty") Able Seaman COPP 7


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